Friday, June 25, 2010

Party Planner Wanna-Be!

I have always wanted to be a party planner! I thrive on lots of little ideas to make one big thing happen. There's such a feeling of accomplishment in that for me. Well, recently I have been in charge of two parties' decorations. A woman at my work is getting married so we threw her a bridal shower. I had no idea what her colors were and since it was a surprise I couldn't exactly ask her. Plus we were having the shower in our conference room so it wasn't like I could go all out; and on top of all that I'm POOR!!! I'm not about to go all out when its on my dime! Sorry, that's just the way it is. I had seen these pom poms and had been wanting an excuse to make them. I went to Target and bought 2 packages of tissue paper. I love the color selection Target has. Oh, and please excuse the quality of these pictures! I took them with my IPhone.

How cute right?!

The amazing Target (I love Target) had these galvanized tins and I just bought white daises to go in them. I used white beans because that's all I had in my pantry, to fill the tins and hold the flowers in place. You can use any bean or lentil just DON'T ADD WATER!!! If you choose a flower that has to have water then wrap the stems in a plastic bag with water in it and secure it with a rubber band. The water to lentils or beans just makes them expand and explode over the container.

About a week later I helped host a baby shower for my cousin. We knew she was having a girls so that was an easy choice on color!

Because I already had the beans and one pink tin I went back to Target and they still had a few more tins! OH! and by the way... these tins were in the dolor sections!!! Score!!! So I put one set of flowers and pink tin on each gift table and there you have it! Decorating for a party can be simple, easy, and cheap! The big pom poms added a lot of color and pop to the room and it was really all that was needed. We had one big bouquet on the food table and some nice china and all was done! My dad always said, "keep it simple stupid!" I've always loved that motto! Come back tomorrow and I'll give you a tutorial for the pom poms! They are super easy... I promise!!!

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